Sunday, November 15, 2009

Dining Hall is Getting Ridiculous

So usually when people complain about dining hall, I try to stick up for them and give them the benefit of the doubt. But I, too, am getting fed up. I guess they do not think that students live here on the weekend because the service and variety of food is horrible during the weekend. Yesterday I went to dining hall around 2:30 and they were still serving breakfast. Absolutely nothing else was open besides just pancakes that had been sitting there since earlier that morning and eggs. I do not know about you but I am not still eating breakfast at 2:30 in the afternoon. When I asked them what time other stations opened they told me to come back at 3. So today, knowing it was after 3 pm, I knew that I would go and have a selection of food. Once again there was absolutely nothing being served. I walk over to the grill and the lady tells me that the grill is self-served today. I look down and its hamburgers sitting in water and shriveled up chicken patties sitting in the tray. Do they really think we want to eat wet hamburgers??? I asked the worker would he eat it and he said no. What makes them think that we are any different from them? I just do not understand. All the money we pay this school, the least they could do is serve us presentable food everyday, including the weekends.


  1. I second that! I have tried to be reasonable and giving them the benefit of the doubt also. Like, it must be a real pain to cook good food for thousands of students everyday, but the bad quality of the food has seriously gotten ridiculous sometimes. I also understand cutting back on the weekends, but breakfast past 3 is crazy. I heard that there is comments box somewhere in the dining halls to leave opinions. Maybe if enough people complain something might get changed a little.

  2. I also agree that employees there do not really care. As Josh says, it can be a pain to cook food for thousands of students, but that's what they get paid for. If they can't handle it, then they should quit, instead of us being the victim.
    Also, I think requiring meal plans at the dining hall for freshman experience is to keep the dining hall running.

  3. I always get up after 2 or 3 on weekends, so I never know that before.
    But! I found something more ridiculous about dinning hall. On friday evening, I saw a big died mosquito on my desert. It's about 0.4 inch long! And, what's more, when I realized that, I had already finished harf of my desert. Sooooooo disgusting! Fortunately, what I saw was a whole mosquito, but not a half of it, so that I'm sure I didn't eat the mosquito togather with my dessert.

  4. For this rare instance, I wholeheartedly support you. Maybe it's because I was similarly shortchanged just a couple of hours ago. Anyway, during weekends, I usually ditch the dining halls and either eat out or order.

  5. Actually today at the dining hall they had some amazing turkey. They also had stuffing , mashed potatoes , gravy and corn pudding. I must say though the dining halls do go through times where they do have awesome food for one meal, then for the rest of the week it is really bad. But oh well, what are we going to do. I really want to get an apartment next year so I can cook for myself. I think that would be a good learning experience.

  6. I agree with Kevin on this one. Dinner at Brittain tonight was surprisingly appetizing. I still project that next year no matter where I reside I will not be getting a meal plan. I would rather spend my thousands of dollars on food that is enjoyable and healthy for me at the same time.

  7. What makes the weekend worse is that for some reason they close the food court, so they eliminate our other alternatives

  8. Its just not the food that is problematic in Woodruff..... The service there isn't good... I wished they would understand that someday their children would be eating at a college dining hall and that they would want employees to care about the students there

  9. Yeah, I rarely come away from eating at the dining hall thinking "man that was great!" but usually the opposite. On Saturday, I woke up late and was glad to see they were serving breakfast, but there wasn't actually any food out. There was no one refilling the now empty tins, and I had to settle for cereal bevause there was absolutely nothing else. Needless to say, I was pretty distraught.

  10. Qiqin: You found a mosquito on your dessert?!?! Did you report it? Thats disgusting!

    Kevin: I will definitely be getting an apartment next year. Look at Metropointe, they have really great deals!

    Alec: Yeah whoever decided to close the food court on the weekend was not thinking. Thats when they would make the most money! Because we don't have classes so we turn to food to keep us busy!
