Thursday, November 19, 2009

Men's heart runs on ethonal ... well not quite

While reading through some news on my favorite news site, BBC, I found a very interesting article. According to a study conducted in Spain, men who drink alcohol are less likely to suffer from a heart attack. The article goes on to break down the percentages based on how much a person drinks. Unfortunately for women the effects are not the same and do not change the chances of getting a heart attack. If you have time check out this article. I think that it is very relevant to what we are reading in "In Defense of Food", especially because Michael attempts to take a crack at why people are at higher risks for heart attack. So here is another study to throw into the cardio ring. Whether to believe it or not is up to you.


  1. hahahahaha this sounds like the argument about whether coffee is good for you or not. it's changed so many times. my parents have told me before that small amounts of alcohol are good for you, but i don't know whether to believe them or not.

  2. Obviously it depends on the amount. I've heard many times that one glass of red wine with dinner is good for you, but excessive alcohol use can lead to other problems, often involving the liver.

  3. Every food product has its advantages and disadvantages. Alcohol drunk in moderation can have some positive effects, as several studies have shown.
    The problem arises when more than the recommended amount is ingested. The liver has to break alcohol down, and over consumption of alcohol can cause severe liver problems. Social or psychological problems are a factor which is difficult to count, because there aren't any ways to directly measure them. Also, drinking alcohol causes harm to brain cells if they are still in development, which is why humans whose bodies are still developing should stay away from it.

    Yes, alcohol may help out, but as with anything else in this world, it needs to be taken in moderation.
