Monday, November 16, 2009

marijuana restaurant?!?!

Ladies and Gents, looks like Portland, Oregon is now offering a cafe with marijuana... and it's legal! Canabis Cafe is the name and members pay $25 a month for use of the cafe where the product is provided free over the counter by 'budtenders.'

"Our plans go beyond serving food and marijuana," Martinez continues. "We hope to have classes, seminars, even a Cannabis Community College, based here to help people learn about growing and other uses for cannabis."

So, if you want some marijuana, head over to Oregon...|main|dl1|link5|


  1. What??? Thats crazy! I'm sure all the crackheads will all be finding their way to Oregon lol.

  2. BWAHAHAHAHAHA! lolololololol...

    Seriously, this is the craziest post I've seen on the blog!

    On a more serious note, isn't it strange how anything, no matter how crazy it may seem, can be sold to an audience if its marketed well? I can only guess how they were able to make this legal, but if everyone had an earful of what Martinez said (including the Cannabis University idea, lol), I can understand how people may be persuaded.
