Sunday, November 29, 2009

Staying here at Georgia Tech for Thanksgiving week.

Over the Thanksgiving week, I couldn't go back home.
However, the woodruff dining hall was closed on wednesday at 3 o'clock and reopened on Sunday. During those days when Woodruff dininghall was closed, I ordered some food from lucky 101 and Papa John's Pizza. Because the food was all greasy and fried, this was the first time for me to miss dininghall's food, especially salads and vegetables, and I learned to be thankful what I can have.


  1. Actually you can went to my dorm to eat. I cooked too much to be finished.

  2. thats true...when the dininghall was closed, i started to miss the food there

  3. Wow. I didn't know that they closed the dining halls on wednesday. I would think that they were only closed on Thanksgiving. Did they keep open at leat one of the dining halls?

  4. Wow, yeah I can't believe they closed them down. I've thought the same thing before, I complain a bit about the poor food quality at the dinning hall, but it is definitely better than the times I have nothing.
