Saturday, November 14, 2009

Taste of Switzerland

In my previous blog post, "Soma!", I mentioned that I was going to write about food from where I have been. So here I am again.

I became a freshman at Chilliwack Senior Secondary School on September 2nd, 2006. After first day classes, there was an orientation for all the international students at school gym. There were about 40 international students from all over the world (Germany, Belgium, China,
Mexico, Japan, Switzerland, and Korea). Some came to CSSS for just studying English for an year or others were there to graduate high school. This orientation was a great chance for me to meet other international students, because back in middle school I was the only international student at school. And, this is when I first met Tatjana. She was the first type ofinternational students; she came to Chilliwack, Canada to study English for a year. After her year being at CSSS for a year, she went back to Zurich, Switzerland in June, 2007.

At Uetiliberg

Bahnhofstrasse Street, Zurich

Picture of me being at UTO Kulm
I went to travel Europe for three weeks for my parents' high school graduation gift. After having traveled to Paris, I took a train to Zurich, Switzerland to visit my friend, Tatjana on July 23rd, 2009. She showed me around the city of Zurich and some sub-areas and took me to some great restaurants in Zurich. The most memorable restaurant I have been to while in Zurich is UTO Kulm at the top of Uetiliberg mountain. Sitting at the patio outside gives you views of Zurich, Alps, and Southern part of Germany. Considering everything is expensive in Switzerland, lunch menu wasn't that costly at the restaurant. I had never tried any Swiss food, so I tried fondue, the most famous Swiss traditional dish, there. It was unbelievably delicious. Fondue usually comes out in a earthenware pot over a small burner. People use a special-sized fork to dip a small piece of bread into warm cheese sauce. The service was great as well. There were many servers who are fluent in English. The menu was in Swiss-German, so the server translated all the ingredients and gave me ideas what I should try while in Switzerland. I definitely recommend this place for having great views and trying Swiss traditional dishes, if you have a chance to visit there.


If you want to taste Fondue, here is Chicken fondue recipe from

Chicken Fondue ingredients list:

4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves.
40 oz of chicken broth.
12 oz of chili sauce.
½ cup of mayonnaise.
1 tablespoon of onion, chopped finely.
¼ clove of garlic, minced.
Salt and black pepper, to taste.

Instructions for Chicken Fondue:

Dice each chicken breast in one-inch cubes.

Season the cubes of chicken with salt and black pepper.

Bring the broth to boiling in a fondue pot, then maintain that temperature.

In a small bowl, combine the chili sauce, mayonnaise and onion.

Cook chicken cubes by skewing them on a fondue fork and dipping in the boiling broth for about 60 seconds. Use the chili/mayo/onion mixture for dipping in.


  1. That is awesome. Those are great pictures too, it is so beautiful there.I didn't know that fondue was a traditional Swiss dish, that is cool. I think I am going to study abroad in Europe sometime.

  2. Cool pics! I've never been to Europe before and the only thing I know about Europe food is pizza. I hope I can visit Finland or Norway someday.

  3. omg, zurich is beautiful!
    I have family who live in Germany, so when my family went to visit them we also decided to go skiing for a week in Zurich. Wonderful town, lovely people, and of course.... GREAT FOOD!
    Let me come with you next time :)
