Friday, November 6, 2009

A few more late-night thoughts...

1. I will say this again... it's BRITTAIN, not Britain the country. (Sigh) never mind.

2. What's up with everyone posting recipes for chocolate-chip cookies? I'm not complaining.

3. Please try to limit your bitching about the dining services at Tech. I know its not the best, but that seems to be a regular topic for discussion, among all the sections. If you really feel that strongly about it, go ahead and continue bitching... I'm not gonna kill the conversation.


  1. This blog is supposed to be about food topics. That being said, as college students we are limited to the amount of food we are exposed to. The dining hall is the source of many of our food experiences so it is only natural that we are going to talk about them. Out right bitching is probably not the best method of talking about the dining halls, but you certainly cannot expect us to not talk about the state of decline of the dining hall food's quality.

  2. i believe that everyone keeps posting about the dining halls because it is the main concern for college students. if the dining halls do not have nutritional or at least somewhat delicious food, it may, in the end, affect our studies. most of us do not want to be forced into cooking for ourselves every day

  3. Please stop your "bitching" about what we post about. Also I really don't care how the hell people spell Brittain. You obviously know what we mean.

    On somewhat more civil note, I must say that I'm growing tired of the attitude you take on this blog. "This is Hasan, helping you sort internet trash from internet treasure." It seems to me that you believe yourself to be "high and mighty" compared to us, and I don't appreciate the condescending tones you sometimes put out. I apologize if this is not the case, and I'm sure that you are trying to be helpful.

    However, sometimes I just feel that you believe your word to be the end all be all of the discussion. No, what you say does not have any more merit than anyone else, and no your opinion is not final.

    You have taken it upon yourself to correct and audit your peers and you are not in a position to do this. While guidance and advice can certainly be a good thing, I'm just saying that I believe you approach this in the wrong manner.

  4. the blog post and comments are all random...

  5. Come on guys all the hostility is unnecessary. Hassan if you are sick of people complaining about dining hall, then just don't read them. This is supposed to be a fun blog for us to participate in and you are taking it way too seriously.

  6. heres a funny picture

    I love that Hassan's enthusiasm about the blog. I find it every comical that he is so serious about things, however there is aline. I would be careful about language. I don't think Dr. Tiff would approve. But I don't think that we should restrict arguments on the blog. Sometimes they can be productive, but only if on topic

  7. We are all in a position to correct ourselves and each other. That's what the blog is for. I welcome your criticism, Drew and I'll try to be less condescending in the future. However, I am, by no means trying to impose my views on the class... if you feel so strongly, please, go ahead and put your 2 cents worth in the mix... I'm just trying to keep the conversation open.

    Let's not make this ugly.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. To correct something means that it was wrong to begin with. In the basis of how Brittain is spelt there certainly is a right and a wrong way.

    However, in the the case of whether someone's blog is just a rant or something productive is alot of times strictly a matter of opinion. In opinion there is no right or wrong, that is why I have become annoyed at some of the comments you have made. As I have stated, when I read some of your comments, I percieve the feeling that you are talking down to us rather than trying to build us up.

    So obviously I do feel strongly about this, so here is my 2 cents:

    There is also a right and wrong way to go about correcting someone.

    "I will say this again... it's BRITTAIN, not Britain the country. (Sigh) never mind."

    Alot of this statement seems to imply that your fellow classmates are simply too stupid to comprehend the difference in the two. Because state that you have previously said it before and now you are FORCED to say it again gives off the feeling that we were simply too dumb to hear you the first time. Then you proceed to "sigh" as if its no use talking to us because we are a bunch of ignorant animals that need to be reprimanded for spelling something wrong.

    Yes I know that the way I described thiswas a bit in the extreme case, but what I'm suggesting is that if correcting your peers is something that you feel inclined to do, that you need to be aware of the tone you use. Sometimes when I think of this situation, I'm reminded from the harsh food critic in Ratatouille (Sorry I've forgotten his name). Basically he provides feedback to restaruants, but it is ONLY negative. If you really want to build someone up, the best way to do this is to tell someone what they are doing RIGHT rather than what they are doing wrong. The bottom line is rather than viewing it as "correcting" someone, view it more as giving guidance/advice.

    And this is my advice from your fellow peer, Drew.
