Monday, November 2, 2009

Gummy Bear

What do you guys think about this advertisement? To me the company wants to show that gummy bear is cool enough and can be enjoyed by people from all age groups... Do you guys think this was an effective advertisement?

Personally, I think it did bring some attentions and I like the song very much :D


  1. Wow really?? Where did you find this. So many gummy bear fanatics like the one with the huge gummy bear now there is a mv about it.

  2. Urrghhh... this reminds me of Crazy Frog, not one of my favorite artists, you know. This is little more than blatant plagiarism: the modulated voice, the animated videos, the shape of the character - everything screams CRAZY FROG.

    Don't know how you spend your days...

  3. There are some things we cannot un-see, and this advertisement is one of them. I love gummy bears. They are absolutely delicious, but this advertisement is extremely unattractive in my opinion and still looks childish. It displays a twist that would scar my future children if they ever laid eyes upon it.

    I just sense a creepiness factor about it...

  4. The tune is catchy -- not good catchy but something that could easily get stuck in someone's head for a good while.

    Overall... I am simply creeped out with the Gummy Bear. o_o

    For some reason it reminds me of Team Rocket from Pokemon.. perhaps with Meowth, a pokemon, capable of speaking Human tongue and behaving like a human...

  5. Watching that did NOT appeal to me, nor would it appeal to anyone not in that early stage of life where candy is the only source of sustenance and where one spends her days trying to think of ever more elegant ways by which she might annoy, bother, or otherwise irk, her older brother. Yes, I did have a younger sister, and I believe that she had a gummy bear song on her ipod, though I do not think that it is the same as the one here. By the way, the part where the carpenter gummy bear has his back to you while jiggling...disturbing. I agree with omega; I would really like to unsee that.

    I have been watching this since last year and everytime I watch it, it brings me some sort of joy!

    Did you know that if you look on youtube that it is available it a lot of different languages. It's quite funny to listen to, and I think, funny to watch.

    PS: This was my ring tone for the longest time ahahaa

  7. this is quite's stuck in my head now at any rate.

    it seems to be a very colorful advertisement, aimed more at younger kids than adults. but because of the catchy song, adults may also be swayed into eating gummy bears. this seems to be a very effective commercial.

  8. I am annoyed by this advertisement to be honest. The advertisement seems not to have any details but just to make audiences get stuck with the word "gummy bear" in their mind.
