Friday, November 6, 2009

Flu Season

So it's flu season, and I know I'm not the only one out there with a sore throat and/or headaches. Anyways, I've been searching for foods that follow a few simple similarities: don't hurt to chew, swallow, or make me feel worse. There's a few foods that I've been following, and those include
-The ever popular chicken noodle soup (or the college version of Ramen)
-Tea, hot chocolate, or other hot drinks

This, as well as drinking a lot of gatorade and water, has pretty much made up my diet over the last couple days. Being sick is no fun =/ so on that note, I was wondering what kind of foods and drinks you guys prefer when sick?


  1. when my throat is really sore, i usually begin eating this chinese medicine. it's a powder that you can dissolve in hot water. it is both bitter and minty.

    i also drink purple yam. it is a sweet purple yam powder that dissolves in hot water.

    i just realized how asian that made me sound haha.

    otherwise i drink tea. :] because my boyfriend works at starbucks, he gets my free tea

  2. i just drink hot chocolate when im sick and eat soft foods like soup or applesauce. im soooo sick of being sick or having random symptoms. ive been getting headaches and today ive been having a really bad stomach ache. i guess its the germs around campus because i never get sick like this at home. ugh

  3. Yeah I finally caved and went to the doctor, waiting it out and drinking lots of fluids just wasn't doing it for me. Hopefully now I'll be able to get some medicine and get back into the swing of things. Hot drinks is definitely a number one choice for sick students.

  4. I usually go for eggdrop soup and simply rice in chicken broth when I'm under the weather. For drinking, I continue my daily dose of caffeine but with hot chocolate before going to sleep.

    Sleep under toooonns of blankets and for as many hours as possible if you have a fever. It also works when having other ailments e.g. clogged nose.

  5. when i had a really bad sore throat about a month ago, i remember i had some sort of green tea, and that was really good, it lessened the pain in my throat for at least a couple hours.

  6. Yogurt!! It is great when you have a sore throat. And hot tea sweetened with honey, because the honey coats your throat and lessens the pain. Also, I suggest not drinking things with caffeine and added sugars as they tend to irritate my throat more.

    Oh, and if any of you end up being prescribed anti-biotics, make sure you eat something with them; at least some bread, because if you don't they can really mess with your stomach. Again, yogurt is a wonderful thing to eat because it replenishes the good bacteria that the anti-biotics destroy

  7. Chicken Noodle soup is by far my weapon of choice when I am getting a cold or am not feeling well. The last time I went to Target I bought several of those microwavable soup bowls of chicken noodle soup for such an occasion. And I used them pretty quick.

  8. I love having really hot drinks like hot chocolate or tea to get rid of the gunk in my throat.
    The plastic cups we got at the start of the year with our dining plans are really great for that. After my meal I just fill it up with one or the other and it will last me a good 20-30 minutes before it gets too cold to drink.
