Friday, November 6, 2009

Marble Slab Creamery

I've just started my job at Marble Slab a month ago, and I must say I am enjoying myself immensely. We make our own ice creams and our own waffle cones and bowls. It has certainly built my arm strength. Those ice cream tubs are immensely heavy.

Marble Slab is located across from the Tin Drum in Tech Square. Even though it's winter, ice cream is ALWAYS delicious :D

You guys should come visit me sometime :]


  1. Somehow the Marble Slab seems to be hidden in Tech square. It just somehow always eludes my vision. I did manage to discover it not too long ago, and it is certainly a great place to eat. You can't go wrong with icecream!

  2. On my first weekend here at Tech we went down to the square and had dinner at Moes. Naturally, we finished the evening with some ice cream from the Marble Slab, and it was delicious. I don't know about anyone else, but i personally am grateful for what you guys do!

  3. Ice cream = great! I have been there two or three times over the semester and I love picking different mix ins to add to the ice cream. You have an awesome job!

  4. I absolutely love their ice cream! Are they still hiring? It would be so fun to work there :)

  5. Oh this was the icecream shop you told me about working in ! :D Wow... when is your working hours? I'll visit sooner or later :D

  6. I'm afraid i have only been there once in my time here, i remember the ice cream tasting really good, but it also seemed a little expensive. paying 5 dollars for dessert seems a little much for me, or maybe i am just cheap

  7. I think I know where marble slab is, not too sure though. I do not pay much attention when I am walking through tech square. lol. But if I manage to visit there, Any discounts??

  8. I love the marble slab creamery...I go down to tech square almost every Sunday night with friends and order the pina colada ice cream,after a dinner in moe's or Ray's,one of my favorites....and then we sit on the park benches outside,eating those(sometimes it melts too fast)...but i like the different flavors that they that you work there

  9. Cool~ When I was a little chind, my dream was to work in an ice-cream shop or a candy store. Am I greedy?

  10. That is awesome that you work there! Maybe we should all take a fieldtrip over there when you are working and see if we can get a group discount? Hopefully I will see you there some time, because I do go there often. Your ice cream is quite good!

  11. What times do you work there?
    I'd love to see you there and bother you while you are on the job.
