Sunday, November 1, 2009

Food Facts

While browsing the web, I came across a list of various food facts. I did a random check of some of the facts to test the validity of the list. Regardless, I think it is an interesting list and it would be cool to see if someone here can find something on this list that is just a myth or isn't true.

Without further ado:


  1. I found this quite entertainig. I guess you really can find anything on the interent. And they have some pretty crazy stuff on there too like "lobster was so common in Maine in the 18th Century that it was used as fertiliser." I guess there is a site for everything

  2. This was quite funny... just shows what kind of nutters can be found on the internet. I mean, some of the facts were downright stupid. Consider this:

    1. Peanuts is one of the ingredients for dynamite. (What sort of a psychologically imbalanced person would be looking at peanuts for making a bomb?)

    2. Yelling for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days will produce enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee. (Really? I don't know why we waste so much electricity heating coffee, when its so easy otherwise *sarcasm*. And whoever is so desperate for a cup of coffee should get his/her brain analysed.)

    Some of the facts are pretty cool, like the advantages of olive oil, but most of it is just fun facts. And I'm sure a good number of them are false.

    So as Hasan, helping you sort out internet treasure from internet junk... this is definitely junk.

  3. I think the part about apple seeds having cynanide is kind of humerous for me. when i was little, i use to eat the apple seeds when i had an apple
